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In Memory

Jeff Hilton

Jeff Hilton

Kevin Mooney reported that classmate Jeff Hilton died January 22, 2015 in a Salt Lake City hospital. No other details are known at this time.

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02/03/15 07:19 AM #1    

Kent Barr

Jeff lived next door to me for a while on Millcreek rd. Walked to Wasatch Jr High together along with Mark Jardine, Rocky Egan and Scott Peterson and then later on accross the gully and Millcreek bridge to Skyline when we did not have a ride. Jeff played in a rock band and we played soccer together. I remember he and Vicki Ball were a couple for a while. My Dad uesed to buy cars from his Dad at Capital Cherolet which made Scott Peterson mad cause his Dad was a big shot at a Ford dealership. Lost track of Jeff after we graduated 

02/04/15 06:27 PM #2    

Craig Knudson

Ya, I remember Jeff Hilton.  He could really hit a softball in gym when we played softball.  I was alway envous of

his playing in a band because I was just learning to play the guitar myself.  He was always nice to me even though

he really didn't know me all thart well.  Still, I knew a lot of his friends like Kent Bar and Scott Peterson.  He had quite 

the head of hair too, and wore it long. (a true rock star)

Craig Knudsen

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