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09/17/10 10:32 PM #32    


Darwin Ross

Thanks to all who posted their photos! It has really been enjoyable for me to look at them all. These are a treasure. Thanks again to Ann, Robert, and everyone else who has made this website what it is. I look at it most every day: it is one of my favorites websites!

09/29/10 08:02 AM #33    


Dan Judd

 Bob Ence and I had an email exchange that I would like to open up to this forum.  It concerns one of our class mates, Bruce Gilbert.  

BRUCE GILBERT: I had Mage's debate class with Bruce, but we didn't get to know each other well until late in the 70's, when I bumped into him in the little town of Gardiner, MT. He was hiking around Yellowstone Nat'l Park and needed a place to stay for the winter.  I had an extra room, so he and his traveling companion, Adie, moved in. 

Bruce had an accident in high school that had caused spinal injury. He told me about his pain--excruciating.  I lost track of him when he moved out in the spring.  

As we prepared for the reunion, I wondered if he was still around.  Didn't see him log in to this site, nor on the "In Memory" pages, but the night of the reunion his class picture was shown as one of those who had died.  I inquired with Bob about getting his picture and a tribute put into the "In Memory' pages, but Ence said we needed confirmation of his passing.

Anybody out there know if Bruce Gilbert is still around?


10/02/10 01:26 AM #34    


Daye Halling

Month's later and I am still cracking up over Randy's part in the reunion dinner. Randy White you are the BEST SPORT, and a kind man....Thanks!

AND Mr. White, you made a great Willie Nelson! I'm still rolling when I see this photo! Randy your the BEST, thanks again for your willingness to make the Dinner Program a HIT!

10/20/10 11:39 PM #35    


Sunny Snow (Vigos)

 That was a wonderful reunion! Sincere thanks to all who worked before and behind the scene to bring such a warm, inclusive, thoughtful and fun agenda to life. The class of '70 is a beautiful bunch of grown-ups who still know how to have a good time. Yay!

01/01/11 06:47 PM #36    


Steve Leonhardt

I heard that a 1-year reunion Summer Party might be in the planning.  Is this true Mr. Sid?

04/23/11 12:43 AM #37    


Rob Ence

Wayne Bateman had the largest file of old pictures.

05/12/11 07:27 PM #38    


Steve Leonhardt

Not to bad for some young folks.  Keep moving. 

06/11/11 07:46 AM #39    


Darwin Ross

Because I left Facebook several months ago (I got tired of Facebook's privacy issues), it has not been as easy to stay in touch with you all. You all remain in my thoughts, though, and I am hoping to get to Salt Lake this summer (maybe even about the same time as the picnic) for a visit. I hope I get to see many of you. Wishing you the best! -Darwin

08/02/11 06:33 PM #40    


Steve Leonhardt

Dont' forget to click on the Facebook link below our page for more information

08/02/11 06:35 PM #41    


Steve Leonhardt

It is at the bottom of our home page. FACEBOOK

09/14/11 09:29 AM #42    


DeeDee Ketchie (Polk)

I wanted her classmates to know that Karen Wehking lost her mother this past weekend from cancer.   The obit is in the paper today.

11/28/11 10:32 AM #43    

Barbara Schmidlkofer (Rasmussen-Jones)

Just thought i would let fellow classmates know that in reading the newspaper yesterday, i noticed Cynthia Goff had past away.  Not sure who updates the memory list.

07/03/13 11:45 PM #44    


Darwin Ross

I am very grateful for the opportunity to come and attend the summer picnics. I have enjoyed myself each time and really like discussing things with my old friends and acquaintances. A big thanks to those of you who continue to come!

06/13/14 04:18 PM #45    


Darwin Ross

Sorry I didn't make it to the last picnic in May (2014)!

Anyone wanting to "catch up" can email me at darwinross@mac.com or send me a message using this site. I used to belong to Facebook, but got fed up with its privacy shenanigans (whenever a new feature or application was added, the site would change privacy settings back to the default settings, which were not for privacy). I think Facebook is a marketing data mining program, masquerading as a social networking program. Who needs that?

06/09/15 03:08 PM #46    

Marilyn Swofford (Garside)

Dear Fellow Eagles    A bad storm Saturday flooded part of our basement.  We having been pulling out wet boxes and sorting. In one box was  my yearbooks which I haven't seen for many years. It has been an afternon of nostalgia. 45 years ago on graduation night Cindy Goff and I went out to the airport parked and watched planes come and go. We talked about where life would take us.  Life has been hard especially for Cindy who passed away a few years ago, of cancer. I think of her every day.  My husband and I are serving a full time mission at home in  Riverton. I am amazed every meeting  at the young Elders and Sisters. Their energy ,courage,desire and love of God.I sat there today thinking was I  ever like that. The District Leader reminds me of a young man 45 years ago in a Honors Seminary Class.Robert Ence.I regret I did not enjoy high school more. have more fun,make more friends .Do you ever wish to go back just one day? I always wish I could have the brain I have now but the body I had then.But then I would have to worry about getting pregant again.  It has taken 63 years for me to finally enjoy life. Please feel free to share. Marilyn Swofford Garside

02/26/16 08:36 PM #47    


Darwin Ross

I just want everybody to know that I am living in Salt Lake City, again. Also, I have joined up with Facebook, once more, after a long departure. Contact me on the Skyline site or contact me on Facebook. You may also email me at darwinross@mac.com. I look forward to connecting with you and will see you at the picnic.

08/03/16 02:11 PM #48    


Darwin Ross

I have been able to attend some of the Class Picnics held at the American Legion. The work that has gone into making them a pleasure for us all is something that really impresses me. Thanks to those of you who take part in the planning and execution. Attendance at the 2016 picnic seemed smaller, but equally enthusiastic. There are not many places that I can hear a live band, eat good food ( and still rub shoulders with old camarades) for only $20. This event is one that I treasure, not just because it is an entertainment value, but also because I love my schoolmates and genuinely feel blessed to interact with them. I hope to see you there next year!

11/04/16 09:22 AM #49    


Richard M Romney

Not sure how to get this to everyone, but I recently learned that Marcy Minson has passed on. Here's her obituary: Marci Dale Minson
1/29/1952 - 10/24/2016
Our beloved daughter and sister, Marci Dale, passed away on Monday, October 24, 2016 at age 64. Anyone who knew Marci knew what a unique blessing she was on this earth. Being a special needs child, she graduated from Skyline High School in the Special Ed Program, then later attended American Fork Training School where she learned skills to live on her own in a group home. Marci was able to contribute to society working at various jobs in her community.
Marci's favorite activities were watching Disney movies, eat - See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/deseretnews/obituary.aspx?pid=182163347#sthash.7t21NNBl.dpuf



01/24/17 07:58 PM #50    


John Muir

Does anyone remember Penny Taylor who attended East Millcreek Elementary and then Eastwood Elementary?  I lost track of her after that.  She was an unfortunate girl with some obvious handicaps that we could see but not understand.  She was lucky to probably not understand that she was laughed at and the target of unkind jokes, but I imagine she was lonely nonetheless.  Many times I have wished I could turn back the clock and be her friend and protector rather than standing by while she was emotionally abused.  One of my large regrets. 


01/25/17 07:10 AM #51    

Leslie Moyes (Harris)


I do remember Penny Taylor very well.  At Eastwood, I would talk to her and spend some recesses with her.  She always seemed upbeat eventhough other kids would kid and ridicule her.  Sometimes it made me very angry but I was a kid and didn't know how to handle the other kids being very shy at that age.

01/25/17 07:57 AM #52    

Scott Seyboldt

John Muir,

Penny Taylor got married. She lived in an appartment out by the airport. I saw her when I was in classes at the airport. She would have stuffed animals on her porch to look out at the street. I remember once seeing her father drop her off and say goodby. She seemed to be the same as she was in school. It was sad people made fun of her. If we could only go back and change how she was treated.

01/25/17 04:35 PM #53    


Anne Schade (Elwood)

I too knew Penney.  I wish I had taken more time to know her.  I'm delighted to learn she got married.  Hopefully she is having a good life.

01/26/17 07:37 AM #54    


Linda Stillman (Hilton)

I probably knew Penny more than most.  Our parents were friends so Penny and I spent a great deal of time together at each other's houses playing as kids.  I knew then she was different, but neither of us minded we had a friend in each other.  She lived just a short distance up the road from me in Millcreek Canyon.  I lost my dad when I was 15 and shortly thereafter my mother enlisted the help of Penny's father to finish a room in our basement that my dad wasn't able to before he died.  Penny's father got some of my dad's clothes.  Our families were connected in many ways.  I started distancing myself from Penny as I got older and was more conscious of peer pressure.  I would see her occasionally over time and she was always the same old Penny.  I always hoped the best for her.  I have thought of her often over the years, and wish I had been a better buffer between her and those who teased her.

01/26/17 09:39 PM #55    


John Muir

I think it is interesting how, as we reflect back on our lives, we remember so many things we might have done to help those who suffered with burdens we could not fully understand at the time.  My wife does a lot of work with kids have ADD or ADHD and she frquently reminds me "You never know how hard some people work to just be normal."   That reminds me to be a lot more forgiving of those who don't conform to the ideal.  We are all handicapped in some ways.  If tapdancing were the key to success, I would be an illiterate.


01/29/17 12:10 AM #56    


Leslie Evans (Robison)

Some of you might be interested to know that Clarann Jacobs, who was an awesme english and journalism teacher when we attended, passed away recently.  Her obituary was in the paper in the last few days.  I can't remember anything about her class but do remember her smile and perpetual sunny dispositin.  She was a wonderful woma!.

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